Survey: A Christian Nation After All?
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the nation’s founders intended a Christian nation, according to a first Amendment Center poll last summer.
In the survey, 46 percent said they strongly agreed—and another 19 percent mildly agreed— that the framers intended the u.S. to be a Christian nation.
The poll said 38 percent strongly agreed—and 17 percent mildly agreed—that the u.S. Constitution “establishes a Christian nation.”
The poll said 56 percent of Americans believe the constitutional freedom of worship extends to all religious groups, no matter how extreme. That represents a decline in recent years: the number was 72 percent in 2000.
Source: The First Amendment Center. The phone survey of 1,003 respondents was conducted Aug. 16-26, with a sampling error of plus-or-minus 3.2%.