A Prayer for Our Time
Spirit of All Creation:
May our faith in you and one another guide us
as we cannot yet see our way through this time of crisis.
May our hope in you and the goodness of our neighbors
strengthen us as we endure our discomforts and fears.
Give comfort to all who are emotionally,
physically, and spiritually distressed.
Bless our healthcare providers and all
who are taking care of those who are ill.
Grant wisdom and discernment to those who
are researching and searching for medicines to combat
our diseases, the coronavirus, and other illnesses.
Help us to reassure and comfort our children and
protect them from harm and danger.
Grant, O God, those who lead our governments,
institutions, hospitals, our schools and local organizations,
safety and emergency services, and us, wisdom beyond
our own wisdom to contain the coronavirus;
faith beyond our own faith to help us to fight our fears
and strength beyond our own strength to be resilient
and sustain all of our vital institutions through
this time of turmoil.
Although we are physically separated from
one another help us, Eternal One, to maintain
our social connection to one another by our
creatively and ethically using social media.
Help each of us to know that there is something in us
stronger than fear. Birth in us a new sense of hope
that will help us to rise above the clouds of despair.
Grant, Eternal Love, that we emerge from this time of crisis
a more loving people who are more committed
to the welfare of all and the earth that sustains us.
The Rev. Frederick J. Streets ’75 M.Div., is senior pastor of
Dixwell Congregational Church, New Haven, CT.