Inside Cover
photography: chris minnick
Based in Indianapolis, Chris Minnick is an independent photog- rapher with 30 years of experience. His work centers mostly on philanthropic organizations – the life and practices of churches, colleges, community foundations, and other non-profits.
His interest is to preserve the authenticity of the moment, capturing a glimpse of the emotion and energy he sees in the scenes he encounters.
“My subject is real people, real stories,” he says.
“I shoot things as they are, hoping to reinforce and enhance the integrity and believability of the moment. I hope viewers come away with more respect for what they are seeing.”
Over the years, he has photographed activities in scores of con- gregations. This Reflections chronicles a few of those moments.
“What strikes me when I walk into a church, no matter what the denomination, is the power of community I see there – the capability of a church to gather neighbors and friends. And afterwards, they take with them for the rest of the week a faith and belief that make their lives better.”
cover design:
peter johnson, with photos by chris minnick
Reflections is a magazine of theological and ethical inquiry published biannually by Yale Divinity School. Opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not represent those of the sponsoring institution and its administration and faculty.
We welcome letters to the editor. All correspondence regarding Reflections should be addressed to Ray Waddle at the School’s address or at
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REFLECTIONS – Volume 96, Number 2 ISSN 0362-0611
Harold W. Attridge – publisher
Ray Waddle – editor
Frank Brown – managing editor
Peter Johnson – graphic designer, YaleRIS John Lindner, Gustav Spohn – senior advisers Kira Gallick – circulation manager
Rachel Watson – poetry acquisition
Campbell Harmon – online coordinator Martin Copenhaver – guest contributing editor