Sidebar: When Violence is No Stranger: Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of Acquaintance Rape
When Violence is No Stranger: Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of Acquaintace Rape, by Kristen J. Leslie
“Kristen Leslie’s ground- breaking work clearly addresses an issue that is often unspoken and unnamed, pointing to serious psycho-spiritual needs that are therefore largely unmet. She offers helpful facts about acquaintance rape, refuting the common myths. Her theological and pastoral frameworks are insightful and critical for anyone dealing with survivors and their friends and family. being a compassionate and open listener is not enough. Leslie offers specific information on the dynamics, symptoms, and needs of survivors. because of the widespread nature of acquaintance rape, this is a book crucial for every clergyperson to read.” —Cynthia A. Terry, Associate University Chaplain, Yale University
“When Violence Is No Stranger addresses the long-neglected subject of acquaintance and date rape with sensitivity and insight. Drawing from in-depth interviews with survivors, Kristen Leslie weaves valuable information together with a theology of healing and hope. Her recommendations for pastoral practice are timely and needed! This book is a significant resource for clergy, counselors, and all who are committed to ending sexual violence.” —Pamela Cooper-White, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Lutheran School of Theology, Philadelphia