
Issue: Spirit and Politics: Finding Our Way
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
"Our Shared Hope" Alisa Clark Spirit and Politics: Finding Our Way Fall 2016
Stardust And Centuries By Alberto Ríos Spirit and Politics: Finding Our Way Fall 2016
Tender Camille Rankine Spirit and Politics: Finding Our Way Fall 2016
Genealogy Camille Rankine Spirit and Politics: Finding Our Way Fall 2016
Issue: Sex, Gender, Power: A Reckoning
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
The Role of Pastors: The Vital Link in Stopping Domestic Violence - by Ally Kern Ally Kern Sex, Gender, Power: A Reckoning Fall 2018
Sending the Four Horsemen Away - by Allyson McKinney Timm '16 M.Div. Allyson McKinney Timm ’16 M.Div. Sex, Gender, Power: A Reckoning Fall 2018
Stop Dehumanizing Transgender Christians - by Angel Collie '14 M.Div. Angel Collie ’14 M.Div. Sex, Gender, Power: A Reckoning Fall 2018
Women in (Class) Conflict - by Bruce Rogers-Vaughn Bruce Rogers-Vaughn Sex, Gender, Power: A Reckoning Fall 2018
Issue: Audacious Odysseys: Charting the Future of Theological Education
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
Expanding the Theological Project An Interview with Willie Jennings Audacious Odysseys: Charting the Future of Theological Education Fall 2022
Artificial Minds and the Coming Religious Disruption By John Pittard ’13 Ph.D. Audacious Odysseys: Charting the Future of Theological Education Fall 2022
Issue: Faith and Citizenship in Turbulent Times
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
Red in Claw Billy Collins Faith and Citizenship in Turbulent Times Fall 2007
Issue: Who Are We? American Values Revisited
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
The Moral Dilemma of Growth Bob Massie Who Are We? American Values Revisited Fall 2012
Issue: Faith Not Fear: Varieties of Christian Practice
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
Hospitable Courage in a Divided Church By Amy Carr and Christine Helmer ’97 Ph.D. Faith Not Fear: Varieties of Christian Practice Fall 2023
Issue: The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
On Mammon and Manna By Clifton Kirkpatrick '68 The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Shades By Dianne Bilyak The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
From the Dean's Desk By Harold W. Attridge The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
When America Can Say, "I'm Back!" By James A. Forbes The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
From the Editor By Jamie L. Manson The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Storm Front By Joel Hanisek The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Politics and Salt By John E. Hare The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
My Father, in Heaven, Is Reading Out Loud By Li-Young Lee The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
The Mighty and the Almighty: United States Foreign Policy and God By Madeleine K. Albright The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Partnership in Hope: Gender, Faith, and Responses to HIV/AIDS in Africa By Margaret A. Farley The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
The Third World is Just Around the Corner By R. Clifton Spargo The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
The Last Word: What Does Madeleine Albright's Address Say About the Character of Contemporary Christianity? By Stanley Hauerwas '65 The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Apropos The Dark Night of the Soul By Thomas Farrington The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Letters to a Young Doubter By William Sloane Coffin The Mighty and the Almighty:Foreign Policy and God Fall 2004
Issue: Called into the Unknown: Church and Pandemic
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
Losing and Finding Christian Connection During Covid By Dwight M. Kealy ’96 MAR Called into the Unknown: Church and Pandemic Spring 2022
Issue: The Future of the Prophetic Voice
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
Articulating a Christian Left: A Review of Getting on Message: Challenging the Christian Right from the Heart of the Gospel By Harlon Dalton The Future of the Prophetic Voice Winter 2006
Issue: Making Good: Can Faith Repair the World?
Article Authorsort descending Issue Season Year
And So We Press On By Jessica R. Church ’21 M.Div. Making Good: Can Faith Repair the World? Spring 2021