
Issue: Called into the Unknown: Church and Pandemic
Article Author Issue Season Year
Every 500 Years By Stephen Bauman ’79 M.Div. Called into the Unknown: Church and Pandemic Spring 2022
Stepping into the Future, Without Fear By Jessica Anschutz ’07 M.Div. Called into the Unknown: Church and Pandemic Spring 2022
Issue: Divine Access: Disability and Belonging
Article Author Issue Season Year
Misfit Leadership is What the Church Needs Now By Caroline Cupp ’08 M.Div. Divine Access: Disability and Belonging Fall 2021
Issue: Making Good: Can Faith Repair the World?
Article Author Issue Season Year
The Liberating Ways of God By Emily J. García ’17 M.Div. Making Good: Can Faith Repair the World? Spring 2021
"Can We Answer Them When They Cry to Us?" By Tim Ahrens ’85 M.Div. Making Good: Can Faith Repair the World? Spring 2021
Do Churches Care About Addiction? By Alexander E. Sharp ’65 B.A. Making Good: Can Faith Repair the World? Spring 2021
Issue: Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS
Article Author Issue Season Year
Women in the Church: The Search for Equality Continues Maria LaSala Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
"Will We Do Something or Won't We?": An Interview with Kaji Douša ’06 M.Div. Kaji Douša Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
A Meal, a Theology, a Vision of Hospitality Kate Ott Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
For the Love of Imperfect Institutions Jessica R. Church Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
Reforming the Church, Not Leaving It Emma McDonald Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
There Is No Secular World Cathy George Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
Thank You Joan: How We Found Our Voices Talitha Arnold Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
"I Return to Music Increasingly": An Interview with Margot Fassler Margot Fassler Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
Who Will Be Our Rachel Now? Katey Zeh Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
Fluidity and Empathy: The Future as Vocation Rebecca Chop Resistance and Blessing: Women, Ministry, and YDS Fall 2019
Issue: New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow
Article Author Issue Season Year
From the Dean’s Desk Gregory E. Sterling New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
A World of New Connections Kaji Dousa ’06 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Trusting This Generation Tim Ahrens ’85 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Rethinking Christianity in the 21st Century Gregory E. Sterling New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
The Jesus Movement now - Interview with Michael B. Curry ’78 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Public Confession: From Shadows to Grace Molly Phinney Baskette ’96 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
A Gospel of Justice and Obedience Bruce Gordon New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Learning from Megachurches: Interview with Scott Thumma New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
High-Stakes Christianity Nancy S. Taylor ’81 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Let’s Dance: Mourning, Renewal, and "Footloose" Kristin Foster ’77 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
I've Seen the Future Andrew McGowan New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Readying for Radical Change Stephen P. Bauman ’79 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Facing America's Original Sin Otis Moss III ’95 M.Div. New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015
Reading Wars: What Christian Debates Are Really About Michal Beth Dinkler New Voyages: Church Today and Tomorrow Fall 2015